

When all your resources are focused on providing your services, it’s nothing unusual, that the side parts of the business are getting a bit neglected. How many times you visited your website and promised yourself, that in the next quarter it would be the perfect time for the redesign? Quite a few, we presume.


But what is easily forgotten in the meantime, is that our website is our main business card these days. After all, when new prospects are looking for your kind of services, it’s a search engine and website research what they hit first. And we probably don’t even have to say, that the first impression lasts.


With such issue, we got contacted by the Tagesschule nach M.Montessori in Brugg. Their website was quite old, unresponsive, not up-to-date, and frankly saying – not good looking, nor useful. That was the time for the change.


Solution & Outcome


After brainstorming we came to a conclusion: fast, nicely designed website, looking good on every kind of device is exactly what they need. With such a small project, we decided to utilize WordPress as CMS, giving the Client possibility to manage the website and the content on his own in the future, without the need for any external services. We created a design theme combining the client’s requirements with the most recent web design guidelines. Making custom modifications and using additional plug-ins, such as Visual Composer, we managed to finalize the project with great success. After four months of work, the Client went live with a brand-new website with a website and email hosting, straight from our data center in Switzerland.